Adoptable Cats
Adoptable Cats


Description: Winston is a sweet chap, currently looking for a home since his human died. Winston loves people and other cats. He is currently in a foster living harmoniously with 2 dogs. For reasons not explained ... Click for more information...

Yolanda - Goddess of Churu
Yolanda - Goddess of Churu

Description: Yolanda is full of energy and she loves to run and chase with the bigger kitties at the rescue. She is the most adorable biscuit maker when we put her to bed. You can hold Yolanda, but she isn’t... Click for more information...


Description: Zack is a sweet and chill creamy white with orange Vanburren patterned slick-coated boy with tabby trim. He was rescued from a local cat colony at 4 months of age. He likes backrubs and neck scra... Click for more information...


Description: Zora is the LAST kitty from a couple of litters of kittens we took in 5 years ago. She was very shy, but has really come around recently. Might have something to do with the steady supply of treats sh... Click for more information...